Tabasco® Brand オリジナル
TABASCO®ソースは、誕生から150年間変わらずTABASCO® Brandを代表してきたオリジナルのレッドペパーソースです。原材料はレッドペパー、ビネガー、岩塩の3つのみで、辛いだけではなく素材の味を引き出す、どのような料理にも合うスタンダードのソースです。
Three Simple Ingredients
A Five-Generation Labor of Love
TABASCO® Original Red Pepper Sauce is made with three simple ingredients and aged in oak barrels for up to three years on Avery Island, Louisiana, before bottling. The recipe originating from Edmund McIlhenny in 1868 has been used by the McIlhenny family for nearly 150 years.
Scoville Rating: 2500 - 5000
A “Scoville Heat Unit” is a measure of capsaicin - the chemical in peppers responsible for their heat.
View Full Scoville ChartNutrition Facts
per 1 tsp or 5mL
Making Our Original Red Pepper Sauce
Growing Greatness
In 1868, Edmund McIlhenny mixed up his own personal pepper sauce recipe with three simple ingredients: fully aged red peppers, salt from Avery Island, Louisiana, and high-quality distilled vinegar.
Our Original Red Sauce has a uniquely pungent flavor that lets a little go a long way. For nearly 150 years, our production process has ensured only the highest quality peppers make it inside our bottles.
The Peppers
Following company tradition, all of our peppers are picked by hand. Pickers ensure ripeness by comparing the color of the peppers to a small wooden dowel, “le petit bâton rouge,” painted the preferred hue of TABASCO® red.
A member of the McIlhenny family personally selects the best plants in the field during harvest. The pepper seeds from those plants are treated and dried for use in the following year’s crop.
Aged For Up To Three Years
Our pepper mash is aged and perfected in white oak barrels for up to three years. This process creates the subtle flavors unique to TABASCO® Sauce. Every batch of pepper mash is personally inspected by a McIlhenny family member to ensure the highest quality for our sauces.